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1st May - May Day (Bank Holiday on first Monday in May)

Traditional English May Day celebrations include Morris dancing, crowning a May Queen and dancing around a Maypole. Often the dancing takes place at a fayre or fete.

Activities: Try Maypole dancing. If you can’t find or improvise a maypole, try some country or Morris dancing.

Take it further: Organise a fayre with dancing, local music acts and stalls.

3rd May 1979 – Margaret Thatcher elected

She was Britain’s first (and currently only) female Prime Minister, and was known as The Iron Lady

Activities: If you were Prime Minister, what would you do? Discuss why this is a notable fact, and learn about Suffragettes. Hold your own suffragette rally, with some playing the parts of the men.

Take it further: Find out about other women who have been the first in their field: first female astronaut, solider, politician, Nobel Prize winner, pilot etc.  Are there any women in your area working in a male dominated area such as plumber, builder, electrician, fire-fighter, lorry driver etc. Ask them to visit and talk about their work.

May the Fourth – Star Wars Day

An amusing play on words gives rise to an opportunity to include some space and star themed activities.

Activities: Have a Star Wars party with space themed food and make lightsabers using glow sticks. Make aliens, or rockets out of junk. Discuss whether you believe in alien lifeforms. Watch the moon landings and space missions.

Take it further: Visit an observatory, use a telescope, have a stargazing scientist come and visit your unit.

Badge Links: Brownies Stargazer Interest badge or Guides Space Go For It

Web Links: https://www.pinterest.com/bridgetpearse/space-themed-pack-holiday-sept-15/

May – Elections

In the UK, general and local elections usually take place in May.

Activities: In small groups draw up a manifesto of things you would do if you were voted in. Present your manifesto to the others in your unit and at the end have a vote. Have a debate on a subject chosen by your girls. Give them time to prepare and choose a spokesperson.  Look at the times that members of Girlguiding have had involvement at the House of Lords or Parliament. Talk about what they discussed and how you feel about it.

Take it further: Ask a local MP or politics student to visit your unit and talk about local issues that the girls are interested in. Take a trip to London and visit Parliament, The House of Lords and Downing Street.

May to September - Well Dressing - Derbyshire

In Derbyshire, over the summer months, wells and pumps are dressed with large framed panels decorated with elaborate mosaic-like pictures made of flower petals, seeds, grasses, leaves, tree bark, berries and moss.

Activities: If you are in Derbyshire get involved in your local well dressing, either dress the well, or have some supporting village decoration. Visit a local well dressing celebration. Alternatively for those further away, you can create your own well dressing pictures. Why not visit a local well and find out some more of its history.

Take it further: Find out about well building programs overseas, raise money to sponsor a well.

Web link: http://www.visitpeakdistrict.com/events/Well_Dressing.aspx

8th May –VE Day

Victory in Europe day was celebrated across the world as the war drew to a close. Although rationing and other restrictions were still in place for a while the country celebrated as best they could.

Activities: Have a VE day street party in or outside your meeting place (if safe). Dress in 1940’s outfits and try some of the food substitutes they had to use.

Take it further: Organise to hold an actual street party in your community

Other ideas for May

Ascension Day

Birth Flower: Lily of the Valley

Birth Stone: Emerald